Thursday, September 18, 2008

The best month for all Muslims <3

Ramadan is a blessed month when people fast. In this holy month people abstain from food and drink from dawn to sunset but they must also fast from sins and bad habits. They try their best to keep away from forbidden sights, sounds and anything that is considered to be a sin and ought to focus on praying and other types of worship. By fasting the person should learn patience, sacrifice, sympathy and self-discipline. This month could be a new fresh start for a lot of people because in this month good deeds should be easier for Muslims as the Prophet Mohamed told us that the Gates of Hell are chained and the Gates of Paradise are open.

it’s a month of caring and sharing amongst Muslims, a coming together of the whole community which should strengthen it. Moreover a lot of people will help the poor and give a lot of charity such as clothes, money, food and toys. Charity is a fundamental aspect of Ramadan wherein people learn how to give and share, by doing these simple things they could put a smile on the face of those less fortunate and that’s worth a lot to them both here and in the Hereafter. Many mosques provide food and shelter for those who don’t have a place to eat or sleep. Reading Quran is an important part of Ramadan. Muslims all try to compete against each other to see who can read more Quran and finish the whole Holy Book. People also socialize more together by visiting each other . Relationships, especially between families, become stronger in this month.

In my opinion Ramadan has changed very much over the last few years. People nowadays seem to concentrate more on the food they eat and the television serials they watch more than on the spiritual aspects of the month. Many people may also turn day into night whereby they sleep all day and stay up all night denying themselves the blessings of this holy month. Eid Al Fitr is the day that marks the end of the fasting period. It is the day of the new moon. There are special prayers and charity which Muslims must do. And afterwards the look forward to seeing their families and wearing the newest clothes and jewelry and for children the most important thing – receiving Eidiah (a gift of money)!

1 comment:

Zurob said...

You have done well here but some of the language is not all yours. You should avoid this in the future. For now , your grade is 6/6 and because it is so long I will give it a second grade; also 6/6